
Fact Sheets & Media Kits

Fact Sheets & Media Kits

A Seeing Eye graduate with a golden retriever gets into a taxi cab.

Media Kit on Access Denials

The challenges individuals with disabilities encounter accessing public spaces or services with service animals. The rights and responsibilities; laws and regulations; and the roles of business owners, staff, and handlers to foster inclusivity and minimize access denials.

A close-up of a German shepherd looking over a harness that is stamped 'The Seeing Eye, Morristown N.J.'

1-Pager: The Seeing Eye By the Numbers

Organizational Stats and Facts

A black Lab wearing a Seeing Eye puppy raising program bandana tilts her head as she walks forward on a grey brick walkway.

Etiquette: 5 Tips for When You Meet a Seeing Eye® Dog Team

The flower-lined front entrance to The Seeing Eye.

The Seeing Eye Backgrounder

Mission, Early History
A man walks on the beach with his guide dog, backlit by a sunset.

Applying for a Seeing Eye Dog

How Seeing Eye dogs are matched with people who are blind.

Safety for Guide Dog Teams

Help Prevent Attacks on Seeing Eye dogs

A Seeing Eye graduate is led by a black Labrador retriever on a sidewalk past a sign reading 'Now Open for Lunch'.

Guide Dog at Work

A public awareness campaign
A Seeing Eye graduate is guided across a street by his Seeing Eye dog, a yellow Labrador/golden retriever cross.

Dog Attack Survey

A study of the frequency of dog attacks on working guide dogs
