Opening the Door to New Opportunities: Alyssa & Autumn
Alyssa, a Seeing Eye graduate, recalls the impact Autumn, her first Seeing Eye® dog, had on her, especially in her college years.
Guiding Across the Pond: Sarah & Elana
Seeing Eye graduate Sarah reflects on her journey from The Seeing Eye to the University of Cambridge.
Life Saving Work: Luz & Verna
Luz explains how Verna, her Seeing Eye dog, saved her life and helped her regain her independence.
Q&A with Seeing Eye Grad Ian
Read a Q&A with Ian — and meet his dog Milo!
Q&A with Seeing Eye grad Cedric
Read a Q&A with Cedric — and meet his dog Eric!
Building Trust: Dean & His Six Shepherds
Dean recounts the important lessons he’s learned over the years as a Seeing Eye dog handler.
The Perfect Match: Katherine & Frieda
Katherine’s journey to being matched with her best friend and Seeing Eye dog, Frieda.