5 Tips: Keep Your Dog Safe During Fireworks
Each year, reports of lost or missing pets increase immediately following holidays with fireworks. Follow these 5 important tips to ensure your furry family remains safe.
Making the World More Accessible for Guide Dogs and Their Handlers
Therapy dog, guide dog, Seeing Eye® dog…there are so many different kinds of service and support animals, it can be hard to keep them all straight. Learn the lingo with our simple cheat sheet, and then share it with your family and friends!
A Look Inside: Class
When they are in class, our students are given both structured and tailored learning opportunities with their new dogs.
Fun facts about Seeing Eye dogs!
I love when folks have questions about how a cute, fuzzy puppy becomes an expertly trained Seeing Eye® dog like me. After all, what we do — helping someone who is blind navigate the world with enhanced confidence, freedom, independence, and mobility — is pretty pawsome, if I say so myself!
Looking Back: The Breeding Station
A profile of one of The Seeing Eye’s early breeding station managers.